How do you define internet marketing for online business? Internet marketing is also known an online marketing, e- marketing or web marketing. This is the art of advertising an online business or website by using various paid and free means on the internet to attract prospective customers (or traffic) to your webpage in order to generate more sales and business success. The internet has definitely helped businesses lower their advertising costs! Even if you are not selling items directly online your business can still benefit by attracting new customers to your website.
Many businesses hire someone to do SEO (search engine optimization) for them which provides the service of getting you ranked higher in the search engines. Which is good if your business can afford it. After contacting a company in my area i found out that these services can cost $2500 – $10,000 dollars and have monthly fees to maintain the high search engine rankings. There are many ways one can promote their business online without the high costs of a specialist.
So what types of advertising are there that define internet marketing for online business? Let’s start with the most popular free methods:
1. Article Marketing: Write articles that provide information for your target niche on how your products or service can help them solve a specific problem. The more specific you are the more likely you are to attract someone who is really going to be interested in what you offer.
2. Video Marketing: Create videos and posting them to sites like you tube is another popular way to drive traffic to your website. If you don’t like the idea of videoing yourself talking, you can use pictures to describe your message with text or voiceover. You can have a lot of fun with video marketing!
3. Social Media Sites: So who hasn’t heard of Facebook and twitter? My point exactly!
You can also pay to drive traffic to your website by putting up banner ads or small advertisements that are pay per click. Once you’ve searched a word or phrase on Google you can take note of the banner ads that are above the organic search results and pay per click are on the right hand side.
There you have a few ways that define internet marketing for online business. These are of course only a few of the ways you can promote your business website online. Consider what the internet truly does offer for businesses of all types. Think about the traditional advertising methods compared to marketing online and how much more exposure your business can get for considerably less.