Small Business Loans - Startup Business Funding

Small Business Loans – Startup Business Funding

Are you looking to get a small business loan with no money down? If so, then you’ll want to read this article. Specifically, we’ll discuss three ways how to get a startup business loan without paying a lot of interest. After reading this article, you should be able to decide on the best loan option for your startup needs.

SBA Loans

If you’re looking to get a startup loan with no money down, one way is with SBA loans and other federal loans like the SBA microloans. That is not to suggest though that you can’t get startup funding without using these loans, you just need to think a bit creatively. For startup funding, consider crowdsourcing for venture capital or peer-to Peer personal loans that you can apply for without collateral. There are also a variety of non-traditional lenders out there who may offer startup financing. You may also look at various grants from the government, which also offer to fund small businesses.

When you start looking for lenders, there are several things you should consider first. Start by asking friends and family if they know any SBA lenders or new business loans you might be able to get. You should also look at your local chamber of commerce. Most often you’ll find many successful small business owners in business organizations there who are willing to help you find financing. Finally, you can contact non-profit organizations and credit unions which provide small business loans and SBA loans.

How Do I Get A Small Business Startup Loan With No Money Down?

The way most startup business loans work is that you don’t have to pay them back until your company is making money. That’s why it’s usually best to get personal loans from a bank or credit union even before you …

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Small Business Insurance Quote - What's Covered & How Much Does it Cost?

Small Business Insurance Quote – What’s Covered & How Much Does it Cost?

Small business insurance is designed primarily to give business owners and their employees’ financial protection in case there is an unexpected accident involving the owner, staff, clients, or the property of the business. Typical claims for property damage or client damage are in the neighborhood of $30,000 per year. Most of these claims are settled out of court and no injuries are reported. This may not be the case if you have inadequate insurance coverage.

Property Protection

If you are planning to employ employees or any part of your business involves the operation of vehicles, you need to consider purchasing property protection and general liability coverage separately. Property protection coverage will provide a source of income in the event of a total loss of the assets of the business. General liability coverage will pay medical expenses and any legal fees in the event of an injury on-site. This includes both mental and physical pain and suffering. It also covers you against slander, malicious prosecution, and intentional or negligent damages. Shoplifting and other related activities are not included in this coverage.

When it comes to the purchase of small business insurance it is important to understand the different types of coverage offered by many insurers. You may wish to enlist the services of an attorney to help you evaluate your options. The Small Business Administration website can assist you in finding answers to frequently asked questions. You can also learn about common policy features such as excess, collision, liability, economic damage, and business interruption. Each insurer has different limits of liability that they will cover. Knowing these limits can help you determine what the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses that you can incur will be.

Legal Protections

There are a few legal protections that are included in most policies for small …

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Business Plan Examples - How to Write a Good One

Business Plan Examples – How to Write a Good One

All businesses, small and large, begin with an idea. However, it is only when this idea is laid down on paper and conceptualized into a concrete form that it becomes a real possibility. This article, starting with business plan examples will discuss why most entrepreneurs start with a business plan and how to write a business plan effectively. Additionally, we’ll discuss 9 Small Business Plan Examples using which students and groups can effectively examine which one suits them best.

Business Plans Are Important

Why are they important? Because the layout in black and white, step-by-step detail, your business plan’s viability. They provide you with a road map to success. The details contained in the plan help to define your business and show why it will succeed or fail. By looking at successful companies, you will get a good feel for what features in common they have and what the obstacles were that kept them from reaching their goals.


A business plan is a fictional, detailed outline of your company’s future growth, products and services offered, budget, management of cash flow, marketing strategy, and business operations. In a nutshell, it is the story of your business from start to finish using objective, measurable data. When creating a business plan, you need to show a detailed description of your products and services using standard business plan format (one or two pages). You then must show how you plan to market, sell and manufacture those products and services.

Next, you must describe your target market and how you intend to reach them. Again, it is important to use standard business plan format (one or two pages) to clearly explain who your target market is, where they are located and how you plan to reach them. In addition, it is essential to include …

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