What is Fully Managed Dedicated Hosting?

What is Fully Managed Dedicated Hosting?

Nowadays, businesses need reliable and powerful website hosting solutions for them. As companies grow, they often find that shared hosting isn’t enough.

This is where fully managed dedicated hosting comes in. Let’s explore what this service is and why it might be right for your business.

What is Dedicated Hosting?

Before we understand fully managed dedicated server hosting, let’s understand dedicated hosting. In dedicated hosting, your website gets its own server. This means all the server’s resources – like memory, storage, and processing power – are used only for your site. It’s like having your own computer just for your website instead of sharing one with others.

What Makes it “Fully Managed”?

The “fully managed” part means that the hosting company takes care of all the technical things for you. They set up the server, keep it running smoothly, and fix any problems that come up. It’s like having a …

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Ways to Secure Your Dedicated Web Hosting Server

Ways to Secure Your Dedicated Web Hosting Server

According to the Ponemon Institute and Keeper Security, a cybercrime caused by compromised passwords costs SMBs approximately $384,598. This highlights the need to implement robust security measures for any web hosting and domain infrastructure.

Further, in the past few years, around 2.2 million complaints have been filed about cybercrimes. Therefore, let’s understand some basic measures that every business must adopt to secure dedicated server hosting and ensure a safer hosting experience.

What Does Dedicated Server Security Mean?

Dedicated server security means taking proactive measures to safeguard data on your dedicated hosting server. This data could be anything and everything, from your customer information to financial or business data.

Dedicated hosting security ensures there is no unauthorised access by creating layers of protection to lower the risk of any data breaches.

Tips to Secure Your Dedicated Web Hosting Server

1.      Additional Physical Security

When you buy a dedicated server, you …

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