The internet is a great place to find online jobs for students. You may already be familiar with freelance writing, Crowdsourcing, and Tutoring. All these activities are in high demand, and you will get paid well for your services. Freelancing and Tutoring are great part-time jobs you can do from the comfort of your home. Regardless of your educational background, you can find an online job that suits you. Here are some examples.
Freelance writing is a great way to earn money
While it’s possible to make good money as a student by doing freelance writing, you may need to work a day job or a part-time job to support yourself financially. Economists refer to moonlighting freelance writers as ‘Diversified Workers.’ Moonlighters pitch several different businesses to earn money. They understand SEO and work on building their brand.
Tutoring is in high demand
The UK tutoring market offers the highest variety of subjects and the lowest job-to-lesson ratio. On average, there are five tutoring opportunities per tutor, while there are only 45 students.
However, there are outliers. There are many benefits to becoming a tutor online. Firstly, tutors have the option to choose the hours they work, which is great for those who are short-staffed. Second, tutors can choose a subject they enjoy, such as science or English. Thirdly, the UK market is particularly competitive, with a high concentration of tutoring opportunities for maths, English, or science.
Crowdsourcing is a great way to earn money
Student crowdsourcing projects involve the students themselves in evaluating their peers’ work. The crowdsourcing projects can range from debating to planning events. In science and math projects, students can contribute to projects using buzz-in features of Ipads and laptops. In other words, students can earn money by helping to conduct research and study projects. They can also use their creativity and problem-solving skills to help students earn extra money online.
Tutoring is a flexible part-time job
Tutoring is a great way to earn money while studying at home. Students who need extra help in a subject post their questions on a tutoring website called StudyGate. Tutors bid on the questions and students choose the best tutor based on their profile. Tutors can earn up to $13,000 per month through StudyGate, but you must be patient, as different time zones can cause you to have inconsistent hours.