The Tertiary Industry in China

The Tertiary Industry in China

The Tertiary Industry consists of two distinct sectors. The Financial Sector focuses on businesses that reproduce capital. The Non-Profit Sector is a non-profit environment, primarily government institutions that provide services to the public rather than sell goods and services. Ultimately, both sectors contribute to the growth of the economy. However, each has its own unique characteristics and functions. Let’s take a closer look. Listed below are some examples of tertiary industries.

Tertiary sector

The tertiary industry is a broad definition of industries that provide services to the public. In China, this sector comprises many different activities including wholesale and retail trade, finance, and insurance, real estate, entertainment, and health care. It complements the primary and secondary sectors in many ways. There are a few different kinds of tertiary industries, and each sector has its own definition. In China, this sector accounts for 44 percent of all output.

Examples of tertiary

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