The Features and Benefits of Aluminium Extrusions
In the modern world of engineering, designers want to use materials that are light as well as strong, and also corrosion resistant. One of the most popular materials able to tick all these boxes is aluminium. In its extruded form, aluminium can provide designers with the best possible design flexibility.

What are Aluminium Extrusions?
Aluminium extrusions are produced when an alloy bar is pushed through a die. The bars can be a mixture of metals, depending on the requirements of the finished product. They can also be pure aluminium bars. Pushing the alloy bar through a die serves to shape it, so that it matches a certain cross section. The aluminium extrusion then has to be cooled and treated. Once this has been done it can then be processed, machined and worked in various ways. There are a number of standard cross sections that can be produced. Unique profiles (cross-sections) …
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